Be Part of the Community
31st March 2020
To our Indie Community
Being Part of Indie Cambridge, Connect Empower Thrive and now, The Trove Cambridge, has given me continued access to a community that keeps me connected and working, also the opportunity to talk when I'm struggling and help with ideas when times are quiet.
Now that we don't meet up at events it is even more essential that we keep in contact, this could be by email or video or phone. As a home worker my situation hasn't changed but the lack of physical social interaction has.
I build my business though events such as Indie Academy, Connect Empower Thrive, The Trove Cambridge and more, but now I'm working virtually this is much harder. Being an ardent people person I love to see and hear how current and potential clients are doing and keep in touch regularly whether we are working together or not.
Whether you're part of one of the communities I have mentioned or not, make sure you are talking with people, especially new connections, this is such a vital part of learning - great for our mental health, and brings new ideas and different things to think about.
Keep in touch, if you want a new connection and that looks like it could be me - I'm on email,, Skype (email me and we can link up), phone (jump to my website contact page for details) or message me from this post.
Thank you to all the people, communities, tribes, groups and teams out there helping me 💛 @independent.cambridge @connect_empower_thrive @thetrove_cambridge @strivebootcamp @positivenewsuk @womenmakingwavesradio @cambsocialmedia @letsrungirls
#letstalk #positivenews #worklifebalance #tuesdaytip #storytelling #becreative #smallbusinesssupport
Adam Solomon 📷 Unsplash