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Remote Photoshoot

24th April 2020


Recently I had a photoshoot - yep a real photoshoot. With my favourite photographer, Elodie Giuge - in my home and it felt fantastic.


I spent all yesterday tidying and re-designing my workspace so that I felt comfortable at whatever angle Elodie wanted to photograph.


This morning I woke up with a purpose… To style my hair, positively unheard of recently. I don’t look terrible usually but I haven’t been photo ready. Then I ironed several shirts, not a necessity lately so that felt weird, but good. I also put my ‘out for a meeting’ trousers on, and they fitted - I wasn’t sure if the sedentary, and all to accessible to biscuits, lifestyle might have taken its toll. 


Then I put my make up on - I have been Zooming with a little on but today was full on ‘going out’ face. It felt fantastic, to have some time just for me. I have been working hard recently reaching out to small business owners to help them remain focussed and engaged with their business during this down time, and had neglected doing nice things for me.


Elodie had to translate her passion from ‘in the room’ to online and did it fantastically well. I felt relaxed, I smiled - not the weird one I do when a camera gets pointed at me, but a natural smile. We really laughed - mainly at my technical faux pas’, but it gave me an real insight to how Elodie works and manages to relax her clients, especially remotely.


We talked about how I wanted the photoshoot to feel, what it would be used for and then Elodie came up with wonderful ideas on props, moving around my office and home for a different styles of photo, all to create the ‘what it's like to work with Clare’ feel.


I can’t wait to see the images. The whole experience of getting myself together, like I would on a working day if I had a meeting, felt as if we were actually together and having a one to one session.


Elodie’s ability to constantly refocus the photoshoot to take into account the light in each room, height of mobile phone, laptop, distance from the camera and so much more, while still smiling and laughing with me was a testament to her amazing skill and personality.


A wonderful experience that will stay with me for some time to come, thank you @elodieg_businessphotography